Gedeelte van een gezicht van een vrouw die haar vinger over haar rood-gestifte lippen legt om daarmee tot stilte of vertrouwelijkheid te manen. De onderste randen van haar bril zijn nog net zichtbaar.


Privacy Policy

1. Privacy Regulations of the website

The website (hereafter: the Website) is owned and operated by NNID Foundation, Dutch Organization for Gender Diversity, hereafter referred to as NNID or ‘the Foundation’.

2. Recording and Processing of Data: NNID uses your data, insofar as you already provide it, only for the purposes of communication between NNID and you. Your data will not be provided to third parties.

3. Responses: Insofar as reactions can be given to articles, these are recorded on NNID has no influence on what happens to your data there. If you object to this, you can also send your reactions to Miriam van der Have ( Relevant reactions will be posted using NNID’s Facebook account, where only your first name will be mentioned.

4. Use of cookies: The website may make use of so-called ‘cookies’. These are small text files that are stored on your computer. Cookies are used, among other things, to make information entered on a web page accessible for another web page. Cookies can also be used to gain insight into the popularity of web pages. At the first visit, the possibility is offered to disable the storage of cookies – thereafter the website will only keep a cookie for this setting. Turning off cookies may limit the use of our website and services.

5. Security: To protect the website from abuse Google reCAPTCHA is used. This service is subject to Google’s terms of service and privacy policy.

6. Links: NNID is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of websites referenced through external links. References on to other websites are governed by Section 5 of the Editorial Statute.

7. Changes: NNID reserves the right to make changes to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly so that you are aware of these changes.

8. Inspection: You have the right to inspect your data and to change this data. Questions about inspection and changes to your personal details or complaints about privacy should be addressed to: NNID Foundation to the attention of Saskia de Jong (