PBO status
This is the moment that always seems a little awkward: talking about finance. NNID depends on grants and donations. Your donations. Because NNID is an institution recognized by the tax authorities as a public benefit organization, donations to NNID are tax deductible. Vertically (and also for us), a periodic donation is the most interesting: that way, the deductible amount is the highest.
PBO prerequisites is a publication of NNID, Netherlands organizations for sex diversiy. NNID is an Organisation for Public Benefit (PBO), so donations can be deducted from the tax.
The government requires organisations with a PBO status that some data should be publicly stated on the website. This page is meant to meet that requirement:
- Name: NNID (NNID, Nederlandse organisatie voor seksediversiteit)
- Fiscal number: 8530 13 433
- Mail- visiting information
- Goal, positions and directors
- Outline policy plan: NNID Theory of Change and NNID Strategic plan 2018 – 2022
- Directors’ expense allowances and attendance fees: the directors currently receive attendance fees for board meetings that are well below the statutory provisions. Expenses incurred in the Netherlands are reimbursed on the basis of actual costs incurred. Expenses incurred abroad are reimbursed on the basis of a per diem not exceeding the amounts stated in the ‘Tariff list for accommodation and other costs for business trips abroad’ as determined by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
- Remuneration of management: all employees employed by NNID are remunerated in accordance with the CAO Social Work.
- Up-to-date report of activities carried out: this website and our Facebook page.
- Financiële verantwoording: de jaarverslagen zijn beschikbaar in PDF-formaat
- Annual account 2013 NNID
- Annual account 2014 NNID
- Annual account 2015 NNID
- Annual account 2016 NNID
- Annual account 2017 NNID
- Annual account 2018 NNID