Does use the acronym DSD?

Artsen hebben voor het acroniem DSD gekozen omdat de drie letters van alles kunnen betekenen. Dat zou minder stigmatiserend zijn dan het woord intersekse.

Doctors chose the acronym DSD because the three letters could mean anything. That supposedly makes it less stigmatizing that the word intersex.

NNID Foundation, the publisher of this website, is a non-governmental organization (NGO) primarily concerned with human rights. In the political and scientific environment where NNID is most active, the word intersex is used almost exclusively. So it’s the word we use. But we respect that other people may prefer to use the acronym DSD or the name of a diagnosis.

Where appropriate, this website uses the designation DSD (differences of sex development) – everyone is free to choose to use intersex or DSD, or to use both, or to use something else entirely, like forms of sex diversity. Good information and political attention are more important for the advocacy and equal rights of sex diverse people than the name that is used.

Summary: This website is for anyone who has experienced that social acceptance of people born with bodies that do not conform to the nomative social construct of male and female is still low.  The name that is used is not so important in the grand scheme of things.