This is a description of the Professionals category. And this is html: bold.

Intersex is not DSD

In 2006, DSD and intersex meant the same thing, but a lot has changed since then. Nowadays DSD stands for the medical aspects and intersex for the social aspects. Are they two mutually exclusive concepts or are they two sides of the same coin?

Intersex is not DSD2021-10-23T19:12:00+00:00

What do my doctors mean?

Intersex people are in their life often in medical environments. Knowing what your medical professionals mean and what interventions are possible and necessary is extremely important for intersex people and carers of intersex children. More information allows for better protection of themselves or their children.

What do my doctors mean?2021-11-01T17:23:32+00:00


Intersex is a social concept because intersex people have to deal with the social consequences of living in a society that is set up completely on the idea that there are two types of people: men and women. The reality is much more complex (in both the aspects of gender and sex). Although intersex is a social concept, sometimes intersex people do need some kind of healthcare. Here you will find information on healthcare for intersex people.


United Nations

National governments sometimes receive recommendations under CEDAW, CESCR, UPR, CRC and CaT on the situation of intersex people. But what is that process like? Why is the United Nations allowed to lecture national governments and how does that work?

United Nations2021-10-25T10:24:12+00:00
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