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The first version of Support Your Intersex Child was written and published in 2018 by IGLYO, OII Europe, and EPA. Since then, this guide for parents of intersex children has been translated into Icelandic, French, Greek, Portuguese, Dutch and Turkish.
Talking to others about your child being intersex
Secrecy is not a good thing. But if you tell everyone that your child is intersex, you deprive your child of the ability to decide later on who this information is shared with and who it is not. That boundary is called privacy. That’s what this chapter is about.

Original title
Support your intersex child, © 2018 IGLYO, OII Europe, en EPA.
Valenty Kuzilina (Valenty )
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This online version is a glossary, footnotes, references, and expanded version of the print publication Support Your Intersex Child, A Guide for Parents, ISBN….. which is also available for download as a PDF.
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